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Outdoor education plays an important part in the Curriculum with field trips being organized to factories,farms and places of historical, geographical and natural interest.  


Each year group at Musikili go on an annual excursion. Grade 1 class trips are day trips usually to a farm in the Mazabuka district and close to the school. Activities like visiting a brand new calf, feeding bulls and milking cows at a dairy are enjoyed by the children.  Hay bale racing, horse riding followed by a picnic complete with treats and a swim round off the trip before the bus ride back to school.

Grade 3 class trips are usually to the Middleton's Farm in Choma.  This trip not only includes game drives to see the wide variety of game on the farm but also includes talks on snakes, as well as interesting discussions based on animal bones found in the area and some basic bush tracking skills, fire building and lighting, fishing and kopje climbing.  This is an action packed three night trip for the class.

Our Grade 7 trip to Chongwe, Lower Zambezi National Park is the highlight of many pupils time at Musikili.  The children spend 5 nights camping on the banks of the Chongwe River supervised by an extremely experienced group of adults. Some of the children have never been out into the bush, seen elephant or hippo, or felt the thrill of catching a fish. 

Conservation, ecology, science, art, survival skills, history … these are just a few of the subjects covered during this excursion.  The children are divided into small groups and each group spends a morning with the mammal team, the tree and bird specialists or the fishing experts. 

The afternoons are spent looking down microscopes and discovering the wonderful world of microscopic creatures, learning the basics of first aid, creating artistic masterpieces using only what they find on the banks of the river, the list just goes on and on. 

Campfire tales, singalongs and wonderful food all ensure that a class of very tired children creep into their tents for the night, perhaps to dream about what they have seen and what new discovery tomorrow holds.

The Musikili community is very lucky to have a number of dedicated professionals willing to give up their time to share some of their vast knowledge as well as generous individuals who uncomplainingly lend trucks and equipment, donate numerous necessary items, bake biscuits (and Yorkshire puddings), provide crates of bananas and generally help make this the wonderful success it has been for over 20 years. Security is the number one issue in all the supervisors’ and teachers’ minds. The camp fence is electrified and there are always adults not involved in the activity at hand keeping a wary lookout


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