The Musikili satellite class is based in the Leopards Hill area. Situated on a beautiful property a few km's out of town, the wide open spaces, shady trees, and horse pastures create a unique and peaceful environment for our Grade 1 & 2 learners in Lusaka.
We have our own great classroom space, lovely playground facilities and each Friday the students have an opportunity to include horse riding lessons into their day.
The class mirrors the Grade 1 & Grade 2 class morning at our Musikili Mazabuka campus as much as possible.
Throughout the year the satellite class join our main Mazabuka campus, to take part in whole school events such as musical mornings, athletics days and swimming galas.
The children wear the Musikili school uniform. They are required to bring a snack to school each day.
Our day starts at 7:30am and ends at 12:30pm. Twice a week we do afternoon activities. The children bring a packed lunch to school and we do sports from 1pm - 2pm - again focusing on the outlined curriculum at Musikili. Parents collect their children at 2pm on these days.
We go down to Musikili and take part in whole school events such as musical mornings, athletics days and swimming gala’s, joining in with the Grade 1 & 2 class.